A Moveable Feast has me falling fast and hard for hemingway all over again. the man had style. (you still have time - pick up the new edition and meet with us...)
while i'm surprised by it, it looks like i haven't raved about enough. they have hundreds of independent booksellers looking to sell you the book you want in the edition that you want. if you've never been there, try it. quick shipping, good prices and you don't have to shop at a giant like amazon.
i think i may be intrigued enough by the synopsis that i'll have to pick up a copy of
this book. those kooky canadians, they get me every time.
bars and books are reading
The Dud Avocado for the coming month - while i'm not a huge fan of the huge crowd, i think i'm going to read along with them. if you're more patient than i and can wait your turn, i recommend you go - it is a great crowd and a book i've been meaning to read for some time.